Friday, June 27, 2008


What a day!!! It is midnight here in Beijing and suprisingly I cannot sleep. Yes me. We got her around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. I didn't sleep a wink on the plane and Norman probably slept a hour or two. We had the exit row which was a good thing. Everyone was so nice on that flight. Long though. So we finally got out of customs which wasn't bad and boom had our first panic attack we walked out where everyone was waiting and didn't see our great wall guide. We looked around which felt like a 1/2 hour but all in all it was like two minutes. What lack of sleep can do to you. We finally found them and we were off to our hotel. We dropped all our things off and on our way to the first grocery store getting the infamous bottled water. HUMID is the word here oh it is gross you just feel slimmy. Our room is nice here but the beds. When people say they are hard they are not kidding. It is like sleeping on your box spring. They forgot the matress!!! Holy cow. Well I will sign off for now. We do the tour thing today. sounds like a long day so I am going to lay back down on my rock Love you all


Kevin, Jake and Violet said...

Glad to see you made it. Humidity is the worst!!


Judi said...

Okay, you wrote:
"We got her around 3:30 yesterday afternoon." I thought, 'What?! They got her already?!' Reading the rest of the post, I calmed down and realized you meant to write "here." :-D It's 3 pm there now. Hope you slept well and are enjoying the sights.